Volumes have been published on the subject of depression, and rightly so, it is worthy of repetition. What does depression look like through the lens of an observer? Does the person affected look sad almost daily, complain of difficulty sleeping or eating, losing weight, no longer interested in "fun" activities, or is self-downing? Want to work on feeling like your old self again? Give us a call!

Anxiety, worries, and concerns may include a number of events, such as, employment, relatioship issues, finances, or school performance. It is difficult to control the worry or stop worrying. The anxiety and worry may be associated with feelings of restlessness, problems with concentration, irrability, tension, headaches, muscle soreness, difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep. Want to learn to identify anxiety triggers and ways to manage them? Give us a call!

Anger Management
Whether anger is expressed as "mad", "fed up", "had enough", etc., anger is still considered a natural emotion. When under control, anger can serve as a catalyst to great accomplishment. EVERYONE becomes angry and many individuals will attest that unchanneled anger can cause regrets. In a non-judgemental atmosphere, one can learn to identify "Anger Triggers" and skillful ways to manage emotions before they become "flareups." Ready to start? Give us a call!

This area of focus may cover a borad range of issues, including loss of a loved one (whether suddenly or expected), loss of a pet, job loss, or loss of physcial functions such as mobility due to illness or age-related decline. Symptoms may include feelings of sadness, insomnia, poor appetite, and weight loss. The expression of bereavement can vary according to cultural considerations, the length and intensity of grief, whether it is a sudden or anticipatory loss. Some losses may occur in multiples, placing a major strain on the individual's means of coping. Learn ways to manage grief, call us!

Self Esteem
Want to learn skill building activities for boosting self esteem? Call us!

Stress Management
Learn about strategies for managing stress. Call us!
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39555 Orchard Hill Place, Suite 600
Novi, MI 48375-5374